Publications and Presentations
- Whitaker, D. J., Koreis, J., Weeks, E. A., Rao, N., Self-Brown, S., & O’Connor, M. H. (2025).Migratory and psychosocial predictors of child emotional and physical health among a sample of refugee mothers. Child Protection and Practice, 4, 100099.
- O’Connor, M. H. (2024). Migration and health: the hidden global public health crisis. Health Education Research, cyae007,
- Owen-Smith, , Porter, J., Thomas, C. M., Clarke, S., Ogrodnick, M. M., Hand, L. J., Dawson-Hahn, E., O’Connor, M.H., Feinberg, I., Adde, S., Desta, R., Yubo, Z., Chin, A., & Safi, M. (2024). ‘Getting control of Corona takes many angles’: COVID-19 vaccine knowledge, attitudes and beliefs among refugee/immigrant/migrant communities in four US cities. Health Education Research, cyae003.
- Greenky, D., Hassan, S., Nerhood, K., O’Connor, M. H., Pozzo, N., Prasad, P., Schoendorf, E., Soti, S., & Murray, B. (2024). Disaster Preparedness in a Resettled Refugee Community: Qualitative Findings. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 18, e2.
- O’Connor, M. H. (2024, January 9). Stop the Bleed, a cultural and linguistic approach to community-based emergency preparedness training [Conference presentation]. GSU 2024 Adult Literacy Research Center Mini Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Pyron, A. (2024, January 9). City of Clarkston Needs Assessment Lessons Learned [Poster presentation]. GSU 2024 Adult Literacy Research Center Mini Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Thein, W. M. (2024, January 9). Developing culturally- and linguistically-appropriate HIV/AIDS educational materials for refugee and immigrant communities residing in Clarkston, GA [Poster presentation]. GSU 2024 Adult Literacy Research Center Mini Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Rao, , Kumar, J., Weeks, E. A., Self-Brown, S., Willging, C. E., O'Connor, M. H., & Whitaker, D. J. (2023). “It’s hard because it’s something new”: challenges for forcibly displaced parents upon resettlement. Journal of Children's Services.
- Feinberg, I., O’Connor, M. H., Khader, S., Nyman, A. L., & Eriksen, M. P. (2023). Creating Understandable and Actionable COVID-19 Health Messaging for Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant Communities. Healthcare, 11(8), 1098.
- Abdullahi, Zeidan A., Koganti D., Feinberg I., O’Connor M. H., Asker S., Butler J., Meyer C., Rasheed M., Herard K., & Smith R. N. (2023). Cultural and Linguistic Adaptations of Stop the Bleed in Multi-Ethnic Refugee Communities. The American Surgeon, 89(8), 3406-3410.
- Whitaker, D., Weeks, E., Self-Brown, S., O’Connor, M. H. (2023, May 22-26). Implementation the SafeCare parenting model with Afghan, Burmese, and Congolese refugees: Outcomes and challenges. [Conference presentation]. 30th Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Denver, Colorado, United States.
- Whitaker, D., Self-Brown, S., Weeks, E., O’Connor, M. H. (2023, June 8-9). Adaptation and delivery of the SafeCare parenting model for refugees in a U.S. resettlement zone. [Conference presentation]. 2023 European Implementation Event, Basel, Switzerland.
- Khader, S., O’Connor, M. H., Shekhey, O., Brown-Bryant, S., Hassan, S., Malavenda, R. (2023, July 21-23). Expanding Community Capacity in the Most Diverse Square Mile in America [Conference presentation]. North American Refugee Health Conference 2023, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- O’Connor, M. H., et al. (2023, November 12-15). Understanding and addressing COVID-19 misinformation within the refugee resettlement community of Clarkston, GA [Conference presentation]. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Bialas, A., et al. (2023, November 12-15). Implementing and evaluating peer-delivered narrative exposure therapy (NET) program for refugee/immigrant/migrant mothers in the most diverse square mile in the U.S. [Conference presentation]. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Whitaker, D. (2023, November 12-15). Implementing the safecare parenting program with refugees: Positive impacts on parenting skill, stress, and child functioning [Conference presentation]. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Bialas, A., et al. (2023, November 12-15). Psychosocial Experiences and Associated Health Outcomes Among Immigrants, Refugees, and Forcibly Displaced Populations [Conference presentation]. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Weeks, E. (2023, November 12-15). Predictors of parent stress and parenting skills among a refugee population [Conference presentation]. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Busse, K. R., Lemon, S. C., Comerford, B. P., Islam, N. S., Ulin, B. F., Eriksen, M. P., & Ammerman, A. S. (2022). Prevention Research Centers and COVID-19: Models of a Community-Engaged Response to a Public Health Emergency. Public Health Reports, 137(2), 226-233.
- Self-Brown, , Weeks, E. A., Perry, E. W., Lee, N., Rivers, D. E., Reuben, K., Rao, N., O’Connor, M.H., Feinberg, I., Willging, C., & Whitaker, D. J. (2022). Findings from a structured adaptation process for the SafeCare parenting program to address family needs in a diverse refugee community. Research on social work practice, 32(5), 553-566.
- Whitaker, D. (2022, June 1-3). Interventions for refugees: Discussion points from an implementation science lens [Conference presentation]. Society for Prevention Research 2022 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States.
- Self-Brown, S., Weeks, E., et al. (2022, June 1-3). Adapting and implementing a parenting program in a diverse community of refugees and immigrants [Conference presentation]. Society for Prevention Research 2022 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States.
- Whitaker, D., Self-Brown, S. (2022, March 28-April 1). The SafeCare Parenting Model for Preventing Maltreatment: Implementation, Trauma Informed Training, and Cultural Adaptations. [Conference presentation]. 19th Annual Hawai’i International Summit on Preventing, Assessing & Treating Trauma Across the Lifespan, Honolulu, Hawai’i, United States.
- Mavreles Ogrodnick, M., O'Connor, M. H., & Feinberg, I. (2021). Health literacy and intercultural competence training. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice, 5(4), e283-e286.
- Santana, , Lemma, A., O'Connor, M. H., & Kelli, H. (2021). Understanding risk factors and preventive measures of cardiovascular disease in refugee communities. Heart.
- Feinberg, I. (2021). Building a Culture of Health Literacy during COVID–19. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 33(2), 60-64.
- Feinberg, I. Z., Owen-Smith, A., O'Connor, M. H., Ogrodnick, M. M., Rothenberg, R., & Eriksen, M. P. (2021). Strengthening culturally competent health communication. Health security, 19(S1), S-41-S49.
- Lyons, M. J., O'Connor, M. H., Feinberg, I., Whitaker, D. J., Eriksen, M., Owen-Smith, A., Jivani, S., Tamer, M., Kim, E., & Makor, G. (2021). Comparing the health and welfare of refugees and non-refugees at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic: the results of a community needs assessment. Journal of Refugee & Global Health, 4(1), 1-6.
- Whitaker, D. J., Self-Brown, S., Weeks, E. A., O’Connor, M. H., Lyons, M., Willging, C., Lee, N.H., Kumar, J., Joseph, H., Reidy, D., Rivers, D., & Rao, N. (2021). Adaptation and implementation of a parenting curriculum in a refugee/immigrant community using a task-shifting approach: a study protocol. BMC Public Health, 21, 1084.
- Feinberg, I., O’Connor, M. H., Owen-Smith, A., & Dube, S. R. (2021). Public health crisis in the refugee community: little change in social determinants of health preserve health disparities. Health education research, 36(2), 170-177.
- Weeks, E., et al. (2021, September 9-11). Interventions for refugees: Discussion points from an implementation science lens [Conference presentation]. North American Refugee Health Conference 2021, online.
- Feinberg, I., O'Connor, M. H., Owen-Smith, A., Ogrodnick, M. M., & Rothenberg, R. (2020). The relationship between refugee health status and language, literacy, and time spent in the United States. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice, 4(4), e230-e236.
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